

We help you gain complete insight into the cryptocurrency market


everything can be solved remotely, you will never be alone


we will prepare you for unexpected situations that may arise in this volatile market, we will provide certainty in the taxation of your investments

If you are interested in the modern and rapidly developing cryptocurrency market and would like to learn as much as possible about it, we are here for you. It doesn't matter whether you are an individual or a legal entity and whether you want to buy cryptocurrencies, sell them as cheaply as possible, or deal with how to handle cryptocurrency and what the implications of this or that handling are. We will be happy to advise you, help you choose the most suitable solution and clarify the legal, tax or accounting aspects.

What exactly can we help you with?

  • We will explain how cryptocurrencies work and the specifics of the cryptocurrency market. If you are just deciding on an investment, based on our information you will certainly be able to decide whether this market is suitable for you or not.
  • Let's talk about everything cryptocurrencies can be used for. Are you looking into mining? Are you planning to use cryptocurrency as a means of payment? Do you want to make the best possible investment?
  • We'll show you how to acquire cryptocurrencies or where to sell them.
  • We will introduce you to cryptocurrency custody options.
  • We can help you with the tax or accounting aspects of buying, holding and selling cryptocurrencies. How to properly account for and report cryptocurrencies? What documentation do you need for accounting? How do cryptocurrency transactions translate into tax obligations?
  • We can advise you on how to properly include cryptocurrency transactions in your income tax return or take full responsibility and prepare and file the return for you.
  • We will perform a market analysis, whether short or long term.
  • We will also discuss the psychology of the market and emotions, as they play a significant role in crypto specifically.

You can be assured of a personalised approach from us. Every client is different - they are in a different situation, dealing with different specifics, and often a different solution is appropriate for them than for others. We are aware of this, and based on our experience we are able to advise in a targeted manner and find the right solution for you.

What members of the team are experts at cryptocurrencies?

Who do we work with?


  • Manufacturing/trading companies, service companies
  • Limited liability companies, joint stock companies, European companies, general partnerships 
  • Independent companies, subsidiaries or parent companies of Czech groups, companies in multinational/international groups, companies listed on the stock exchange
  • Housing/social cooperatives
  • Investment funds
  • Trust funds
  • Natural persons – entrepreneurs

Non-governmental non-profit organisations

  • Foundations, endowment institutes
  • Societies, unions, associations, incl. associations of legal entities
  • Registered institutes, public benefit corporations
  • Church organisations – primary organisations, unions, special purpose institutions (diaconates/charities)
  • Public research institutions, public tertiary educational facilities, school legal entities
  • Political movements
  • Hunting communities

Organisations fully funded/co-funded from public budgets

  • Organisations co-funded from public budgets and established by a municipality/self-governing region/state
  • Towns and municipalities, voluntary associations of municipalities

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Zásady ochrany osobních údajů

Zakliknutím zaškrtávacího pole a odesláním vyplněného formuláře souhlasíte se zpracováním vašich údajů společností 22HLAV s.r.o. a 22HLAV EDU s.r.o. za účelem vyžádaného poradenství. Máte právo souhlas odvolat a dále máte práva na přístup k údajům, jejich opravu a výmaz. Více informací o zpracování osobních údajů naleznete v Zásadách na ochranu osobních údajů.