Jan Černý
Member of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic; Auditor
Czech Technical University in Prague (ČVUT)
Nuclear Chemistry
German, English
Part of the 22HLAV team since 2006
Previously, a club secretary for MPs, manager of an IT department, the head of a bailiff’s office and CFO of a group
Ship is “she” in English, so a girl’s name. Like “Erika”? Nothing in particular, just a name for the sound of it.
A calculator - it was just a simple one, with square root as the most sophisticated function. I was about 15; it was from abroad and horribly expensive. I feared I’d drag everyone down in my class in maths. The rule was that either everyone or no one had to have a calculator. And I didn’t have one, and had no clue where to borrow one from.
Fimfarum and other stories old and new