Thanks to the MSI, we have aides in foreign countries we can rely on.
We have established long-term relationships with members of the MSI, based on mutual trust and support.
We share expertise within the MSI at European and global levels.
22HLAV has been a member of the MSI Global Alliance since 2005. The MSI brings together 250+ companies in over 100 countries and is headquartered in London. Its members are accounting and law firms that cooperate and share their experiences.
One of the greatest benefits of MSI membership is the ability to contact fellow professionals at relevant foreign companies when required for clients, and knowing they can be relied on.
MSI International Conference 2021 - Closing video from MSI Global Alliance on Vimeo.
MSI Global Alliance - Supporting clients worldwide from MSI Global Alliance on Vimeo.
Who communicates the most within the MSI?
Filip Konětopský
Miroslava Nebuželská
Vít Vagner
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Zajímají vás naše ceny?
Ceny služeb stanovujeme individuálně podle odborné a časové náročnosti. Pro konkrétní cenovou nabídku nás prosím kontaktujte, ale pokud chcete mít představu...
Vzdělávací kurzy
Přihlaste se na naše tradiční semináře, které pro Vás shrnou vše, co potřebujete vědět pro uzavření a vstup do nového roku - v oblastech účetnictví, daních, mezd, pracovního práva aj.