Naďa Salačová
a specialist in accounting
I undertake accounting duties for small and large businesses. I’m also engaged in auditing, functioning as an assistant auditor.
Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE)
Econometrics and Operational Research
Part of the 22HLAV team since 2019
Previously, basketball player, Pojišťovna České spořitelny, a.s., Morey’s Piers (Wildwood, NJ, USA), Česká Pojišťovna a.s.
What’s your favourite film or TV character?
Legolas from Lord of the Rings. My favourite film!
What would you say has been the most important decision in your life?
The end of a career in basketball and transition to becoming an accountant.
What’s your most distinctive characteristic?
Talking; talking loudly – all the time, all the time.
What do you like most about your life?
My family, my animals – my home in general.