Otto Klikar
IT helpdesk
I partially do accounting and payroll processing, assist with auditing duties and arrange administrative work for colleagues.
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (ČZU) - currently studying
German, English, Italian A1
Part of the 22HLAV team since 2021
If you could do 3 crazy things, what would they be?
1. I would pack my bags and spontaneously fly to Rome the very next day.
2. I’d like to try skydiving.
3. I’d attempt to drive a tram or train – including underground in a subway.
What book is the most important to you?
Quo Vadis by Henryk Sienkiewicz
Are you a life-long optimist or pessimist?
I try to see the bright side of every situation. No-one gets anywhere with a pessimistic attitude. Anything can be knocked down or criticised, but it’s much better to look for the silver lining in things.