22HLAV’s mission is to enable people and organisations to make decisions with clarity of mind. We achieve this aim in relation to financial matters by providing auditing services to entities and handling their formal records, e.g. financial statements, including consolidated documentation, and paperwork on grants and donations. Our clients include domestic and multinational corporations, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, foundations & endowment institutes, public benefit corporations, institutes and other NPOs. The staff at 22HLAV provide advisory services in tax and other economic matters, including specialist areas such as cross-border taxation and transfer pricing. We keep accounts and payroll agenda for companies and non-profit organisations of all sizes. A team is often outsourced to handle accounting, financial or economic services. Our accounting know-how for NPOs is extensive as it includes working with activities and sources of funding (e.g. grants and donations). Active in expertise and appraisal, one of our specialisations is business valuation.
The strategy we adopt covers aspects such as the following: (i) openness and cooperation with institutions and other professional bodies in the financial sector in the Czech Republic and abroad along with public collaboration activities, including membership of the MSI Global Alliance, Czech Chamber of Auditors and Czech Union of Accountants – where we are active on committees and boards and co-develop legislation; and (ii) supporting and practicing digital transformation, online solutions and the use of artificial intelligence; for example: (1) in-house development of web portals; (2) advanced in-house IT services; (3) the entire spectrum of Apple solutions available to Apple users; (4) fully paper-free services implemented in auditing, accounting and payroll; and (5) accounting software that learns and gets better at handling standard accounting events.
At 22HLAV, the emphasis is on independent management and keeping an open mind.
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We hold dear and live by our values. |
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We seek out new ways and don’t like sticking to a formula. |
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Change is viewed as an opportunity and not something to fear. |
22HLAV is active, responsible and interested in its given surroundings. |
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Our staff have the desire to learn and aid the development of each other. |
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Our organisation functions on the principles of holacracy and self-managed teams. |
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We keep an open mind and listen to each other. |
Our basis is one of turquoise management (self-management + wholeness + evolution). No pyramid structure exists at 22HLAV, so no bosses specify what to do and how. The company is made up of individual teams/circles, each with its own purpose and strategy. The circles’ members have distinct roles and responsibilities, and a person often belongs to more than one circle. Moving onwards and upwards occurs through the processes we’ve implemented, especially that regarding consultancy.
The company has an evolving structure that curbs restraint and facilitates growth – for it as an entity and its staff. It’s often necessary to find the right path to follow, but the effort is rewarded! Endeavour is made to foster a working environment where staff dedicate themselves to the pursuit of what makes sense and what benefits the company. This approach has been adopted because it affords us the space we need.
We operate with openness and welcome feedback. Only through encouraging feedback can we improve. 22HLAV has an open system of pay, dependent on both outcome and a set remuneration model, and everyone shares in economic results.
Education and personal development is actively supported. Our staff have been trained professionally, and their soft-skills are enhanced through internal and external courses. They also participate in external certification schemes, such as those for accountants in the Czech Republic, auditors, tax advisors and experts, as well as ACCA/CISA/CIA certification and the like.

Chcete s námi pracovat?
Zaujala vás naše firma? Skvělé! Podívejte se, koho aktuálně hledáme do našeho týmu. U nás se můžete věnovat tomu, co vás zajímá. Nemáte zkušenosti v oblasti účetnictví nebo třeba auditu? Žádný problém, vše rádi naučíme!

Mrkněte, co je u nás nového
Nepracujeme jenom na klientských zakázkách. Pravidelně se vzděláváme sami, vzděláváme veřejnost, účastníme se konferencí nebo sportovních akcí. Naše práce nás baví a rádi se bavíme i na společných akcích.

Jak vzniklo 22HLAV?
Lámete si hlavu, proč zrovna 22? Máme pro Vás celý příběh, který začal v roce 1995 a za tu dobu jsme ušli velký kus cesty. No a hlav máme dokonce už přes 70 a stále přibývají. Třeba zrovna Vy budete další...